The detection of Mumps in Buulo-Ba’ley IDP camp – Mudug region, Puntland State of Somalia

IDP vaccinations
Somali Red Crescent Society in Puntland State Somalia implemented community-based surveillance (CBS) as part of their community health project in collaboration with MOH. 119 volunteers have been trained on signs and symptoms of infectious diseases and asked to report using the Nyss platform.

Buulo-Ba’ley IDP camp in  Puntland State, Mudug region hosts about one thousand households for people affected by drought and conflict. Between the 15th and 23rd of June the Somali Red Crescent (SRCS) volunteers reported unusual illnesses of 12 children between the ages of 1 and 10. The children had swelling in one parotid gland, leading to puffed cheeks, and high fever.

The first child was identified by a volunteer on the 15thof June. Other children in the same school showed the same signs a few days after and were reported to the CBS platform Nyss on the 23rd of July.

After verifying the report on cluster of unusual illnesses with the volunteers, an SRCS supervisor notified theMoH in Puntland State on the alert only a few minutes later. The surveillance unit visited the site on the 25th of June for further investigation. They clinically diagnosed Mumps after visiting the children.

The respective community in the IDP camps have been living in very poor conditions with limited access to hygiene facilities which makes them more vulnerable to the onset of such infections. Hence, SRCS encouraged the volunteers to enhance community awareness on hygiene and sanitation and to practice physical distancing. SRCS volunteers encouraged those practices with school children, their parents and teachers, and advised on isolation of the infected children from others. Volunteers also referred the sick children to the near health facility for treatment. Since then, no more cases have been reported. SRCS is supporting Ministry of Health with the advocacy on acquiring the respective vaccine and diagnostic tests.