CBS Technical working group

Red Cross and Red Crescent Technical Working Group on CBS

Despite the agreement on a common definition for CBS in 2018, it remains clear that practice and implementation must drive the development of evidence and tools for CBS implementation as we move forward. There continues to be a need to improve documentation from existing CBS programmes, sharing of lessons learned and best practices as well as practical guidance, evaluation and training materials that evolve as we gain experience implementing CBS in different contexts. There is a continued need to increase the evidence base for CBS in both emergency and preparedness contexts and share these experiences across the Red Cross and Red Crescent Membership and beyond. 

The objectives of the CBS working group are: 

  • The development of key guidance notes, tools and training materials for the IFRC Membership and external audiences, ensuring consistency across the Membership on the approach to CBS

  • To create a collaborative space where technical discussions based on real-life challenges and be discussed openly to ensure challenges and opportunities are captured to drive CBS development and programming forward. 

  • To enable operational research and development of learning, best practices and evidence on CBS implementations

  • To coordinate future training opportunities and share resources to improve efficiency and uptake of training by key stakeholders

Membership of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Technical Working Group includes focal points from the IFRC regions and Geneva, as well as National Society focal points with CBS, field epidemiology or other relevant background to provide support and input to the wider network.