In the Mudug region of Puntland, 119 Somali Red Crescent (SRCS) volunteers have been trained in CBS. These volunteers cover 54 locations in the region. The CBS volunteer training consists of how to report real-time on health risks identified to be a priority in the area from the CBS pre-assessment. One of the locations covered by SRCR volunteers is the Duyah IDP camp in Mudug region. As this camp is far away from the Galkayo District and there is no other close health facility, the community is not reached by routine vaccination services.
On February 18, 2022, eighteen reports of the health risk fever and rash were reported by SRCS volunteers in Dayah IDP Camp using the Nyss platform. After receiving these alerts, the CBS Officer confirmed the alert from volunteers, and escalated it to the Ministry of Health to respond all in the same day. Critical cases were referred to Mudug General Hospital, while others received health education by volunteers. After being admitted to the Mudug General Hospital, samples were collected from the children with suspected measles.
Even before the confirmation of positive measles cases, the SRCS, in collaboration with the MoH visited the camp and allocated a health mobile clinic team to carry out a measles vaccination campaign and case management. The diagram below shows the flow of information which facilitates real-time reporting and quick action.