CBS Presentations at International Conferences in 2021: MSF Scientific Days, iMed International Conference, and ICRC Analysis and Evidence Week

scientific days

In May 2021, Norwegian Red Cross participated in the MSF Scientific Days, presenting Nyss as part of an innovation demonstration. It was fantastic to be part of international discussion and to share learnings and experience with other humanitarian actors.

In November 2021, Norwegian Red Cross presented a poster at the iMed international conference. The conference is an international meeting on emerging diseases and surveillance run by the International Society for Infectious Diseases. The poster presentation gave an overview of an analysis of the functionality and effectiveness of CBS and the Nyss platform in Somaliland. A copy of the poster can be found here.

In December 2021, Norwegian Red Cross presented a session at the ICRC Analysis and Evidence Week focusing on Community Based Surveillance using the Nyss platform, with examples from experience in Somaliland. The overall theme of the week was data and it was a great opportunity to be part of the forum, bringing together humanitarian actors, academics, UN agencies, NGOs and donor agencies for shared learning and discussion.