Burkina Faso


Dates of implementation: 2021- present

Setting: Rural / Towns

CBS context: Preparedness

Data collection system: SMS & Excel

Support: US CDC, ECHO, Belgian Red Cross, Norwegian Red Cross, IFRC, ICRC

Country Context

Burkina Faso is facing a persistently high burden of morbidity due to communicable diseases like Malaria, Measles, or Dengue fever. In recent years, vaccine preventable diseases have steadily increased again even after a significant decrease had been achieved. Due to the emergence and intensification of armed conflicts in northern regions of the country, the access to health care is seriously affecting a large part of the population. Access for humanitarian actors to assist vulnerable people, medical evacuations and the supply of medical inputs is highly limited which endangers health workers and the health infrastructure. At the end of June 2021, Burkinabe Red Cross Society, together with the Belgium Red Cross and support of the Norwegian Red Cross, started to implemented CBS in Kaya. From 2021 to April 2023 Burkinabe Red Cross with support from the US CDC and IFRC implemented CBS in the two conflict-affected regions of Fada and Ouahigouya, and in 2022 with support of Belgian Red Cross and ECHO, Burkinabe Red Cross began implanting CBS in Dedougou and Mangodara. Ongoing discussions have continued with IFRC, Norwegian Red Cross and ICRC on the sustainability of CBS in several health districts and linking CBS to additional health programs. 

Areas where CBS is implemented throughout the country
Health risks/events under surveillance


Health risks reported on using signs and symptoms aligned with priority diseases
Acute watery diarrheal disease
Bloody diarrhea  
Fever and bleeding
Fever with yellow eyes, palms and feet
Fever and neck stiffness
Fever and Rash
Cough and difficulty breathing
Neonatal tetanus 
Acute flaccid paralysis
Unusual Event